
These videos were provided by Peter Kerr who asked that they were made available for general viewing. I have put links on this page to unedited versions of the videos and plan, over time, to add material that an help tell the history of the village.

Crosshouse Gala Day (1961 or 62 to be confirmed): Gala Queen – Martha Steele

Crosshouse Gala Day from Pete Heywood on Vimeo.

Opening of the Andrew Fisher Memorial

Opening of Andrew Fisher Memorial Cairn, Crosshouse from Pete Heywood on Vimeo.

Crosshouse Waverley Celebrate their Scottish Cup Win.

Crosshouse Waverley celebrate their Cup win. from Pete Heywood on Vimeo.

Crosshouse Boys Brigade – Life Boys

Crosshouse Boys Brigade (Life Boys) from Pete Heywood on Vimeo.