The Santa Dash which happened on Saturday 05/12/15 was a wonderful day. We must thanks all the people who took part and contributed to the success of this event. We were grateful to the people who sponsored the members in the Santa Dash and many thanks for all your financial contribution. The money raised will be used at the Fun Day in 2016. We are looking for people to dress up in W.W.1 1914-1918 clothes and join the parade round the village. If you would like to hear more about this event please email the address and we will be happy to explain what will happen during the day.
Please put the 18 June 2016 in your diary and we will be happy to welcome all of you to this special day.
Tribute to those who died at the Battle of Loos
A short tribute to the men listed on the Crosshouse War Memorial and who died at the Battle of Loos has been added to the Memorial website.
Job Club
The Job Club takes place in the Library Resource Centre Crosshouse every Friday from 2pm to Courtesy of CANCCL and with thanks to EAC for allowing us to use the facilities in the library centre. We are set up to help people who are unemployed. People from the 3 villages are welcome to attend. The free IT equipment is an ideal way of finding job vacancies and to gain employment.
PB&T Group
The Parent Baby & Toddlers meets in the Community Centre every Monday from 9am to 11am. Come along and enjoy a cuppa and chat while the children play.
SAL Group
The Social Activities & Leisure group which meets in Crosshouse Church Hall every Monday from 1pm to 3 pm activities include Bingo, Board Games, Carpet Bowls, Quizzes, Arts & Crafts, Light Exercise and of course a cup of tea/coffee and biscuits. Open to all ages. There is something for everyone, please come along, you will be made welcome. For further information please contact John on the email
Carnival Queen photos by Fiona McBride
Crosshouse Carnival Queen, 2015. Photo by Fiona McBride. Click on the photo to see a large version. More 2015 Fun Day photos
Fun Day was a great success. Some photos.
The sun shone for the Fun Day this year. It was a great success. Here are a few photos from the day. (Click ‘show thumbnails’ and then click on a photo to start the slideshow and use the arrows to move between the photos.)
Crosshouse Fun Day – Saturday 18 June 2016
The next Fun Day will be held on Saturday 18 June 2016 starting at 12 noon in the Lindsay Park Crosshouse.
The theme is W.W.1 and we are asking people to dress in 1914 – 1918 clothes.
If you would like to help us to arrange this event please phone John on 01563 535975 or email
Your help would be appreciated.
Keep in touch with CAN
We have established a system on this website which will allow us to keep you up to date with our activities. All you have to do is enter your email address in our website – top right of this page – or give your name and email address to any of the CAN team. If you would like more information about our website or on our activities and plans please send an email to and you will get a reply from a member of the team.